cruz bio1 lectures
lab activities 3-4
lab activities 1-2
lab activities 3-4
lab activity 5

Activity Three: Thermoregulatory Property of Water


Concept: How Thermoregulatory Property of Water Works


1.       Determine the properties of water as illustrated on the result of the activities; and

2.       Analyze the implications and significance of the identified properties of water in living things.


Iron stand and iron ring, alcohol lamp and match, detergent, non- waxed paper bowl, water



  1. Assemble the iron ring on the iron stand about 4-5 inches high.
  2. Place the alcohol lamp on the base of the iron stand and then, the paper bowl on top of the iron ring.
  3. Adjust the height of the iron ring such that the paper bowl on top of it is a few inches above the alcohol lamp.
  4. Pour about one-half cup of water in the paper bowl.
  5. Formulate a problem and a hypothesis based on this situation. (Do this before performing the activity.)
  6. Light the alcohol lamp.
  7. Write your observations.
  8. List down the activity- related property of water and relate its importance to living things.


Activity Four: Disturbing Surface Tension of Water


Concept: Role of Water Surface Tension in Living Things


This activity should enable you to relate water surface tension to the role of water in living things.


            Petri dish, water, toothpick, soap or shampoo, loose powder

(Read the procedure first. Formulate a problem and hypothesis before performing the activity.)



  1. Clean the petri dish using soap and water. Rinse thoroughly.
  2. Place a small amount of water in it.
  3. Scatter loose powder over the surface of the water.
  4. Dip the broader end of the toothpick in either liquid soap or shampoo.
  5. Dip the toothpick at the center of the petri dish with water.
  6. Write down your observations and conclusions.












Name: _________________________ Date: ____________________

Subject and Section: ______________ Rating: ___________________


Activity Three Action Sheet: Thermoregulatory Property of Water































Critical Thinking: (Enumerate the activity-related properties of water and relate their importance to living things.)
















Name: _________________________ Date: ____________________

Subject and Section: ______________ Rating: ___________________


Activity Four Action Sheet: Disturbing Surface Tension of Water























